Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Spooky Good Fun

By Cadets Rose Mendez and Taylor Jones

     The High School Cadets are doing a great job keeping their grades up in school. As a reward, they are given a day of fun each month. Captain Griffin and Captain Davis were in charge of October’s activity. It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time!  October is the month of Halloween and that’s what made this fun day even more fun. Each advisory group was in charge of dividing their members into three groups. There were three projects. Each advisory group had to have a decorated pumpkin, a scarecrow, and a decorated door, all done within three hours. The winners were judged on creativity, originality, effort, detail, and how spooky they were.

     First place on the pumpkin decoration was the advisory group of 
Cpt. Hensen and Cpt. Robbins. Cadet Philip Commins had the idea to build a Gourdzilla out of three pumpkins. The team used carrots as the “scales” down Gourdzilla’s back. With the help of his two team members, Guadalupe Mendez and Toby Zhong, they were able to finish earlier than expected. 

     Maj. Christian and Cpt. Meyer’s advisory won first place for both the door decoration and the scarecrow. Working on the scarecrow was the team of cadets Rose Mendez, Taylor Jones, and Yinchu Zhao. “We wanted to make a scarecrow that wouldn’t look like the others, made of hay, so we came up with the idea to build it out of sticks. It gave us great results.” said Rose Mendez. The team managed to finish right before time was up. “It was a lot of hard work.” commented Taylor Jones. Decorating the door was very stressful as well. Paper needed to be cut perfectly in order for the drawing to make sense. It was all about “The Shadow” and the shadow had to be cut out perfectly. Thankfully everything worked out and the team managed to wrap it up at the end.  The door decorators were Cadets Edward Jiao, Dane Li, and Kazi Maimuna.

Complete Results:
Decorated Door:
1st Place: The Shadow, by Maj. Christian and Cpt. Meyer’s advisory
2nd place: CTO, by Cpt. Hensen and Cpt. Robbin’s advisory’
3rd place: Madeline Wentworth, by Cpt. Davis and Cpt. Lang’s advisory

1st place: Gourdzilla, by Cpt. Hensen and Cpt. Robbin’s advisory
2nd place: Jason, by Cpt. McClafferty and Cpt. McLauren’s advisory
3rd place: The Joker, by Cpt. Brock and Cpt. Griffin’s advisory
3rd place: Scapegourd, by Cpt. Blomquist and Cpt. Crutchfield’s advisory

1st place: Apoco-lipz, by Maj. Christian and Cpt. Meyer’s advisory
2nd place: Down to Earth, by Cpt. Davis and Cpt. Lang’s advisory
3rd place: Nima Wang, by Cpt. Brock and Cpt. Griffin’s advisory.
3rd place: Cadet S Crow, by Cpt. Anderson and Maj. Fiora’s advisory

Congratulations to the Winners!

The Shadow

The pumpkin creations on display.

Gourdzilla with co-creator Philip Commins.

Madeline Wentworth

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