So much has changed since I showed up for my first day here as a student in 1967. Students on campus are speaking Farsi and Chinese. They carry Google Chrome books instead of text books. Many of our finest cadet leaders are women. I literally might have laughed in your face had you described 2014 to me in 1967.
Despite all that change and modernization, I feel right at home. I look at the new cadets and see the exact same mix of excitement, fear and determination that I carried with me to campus. I see that the entire student experience is designed to reinforce the same Wentworth values of teamwork, honesty, integrity, respect and duty.
Wentworth has been here since 1880, but Wentworth is constantly new. We have historic buildings but, to the new cadets, this is all a fresh and exciting experience happening in real time.
I hope that you find this new publication to be a helpful connection to today's Wentworth Military Academy & College. In many of our publications, we focus on our proud past, but this one will Focus on the Wentworth of today. Future issues will feature writing by current cadets, just like the old Trumpeter did. This will give them an opportunity to develop their talents, and you an opportunity to see their work. We hope that by publishing this newsletter on a monthly basis, we can keep you up to date on a real time basis.
The old Trumpeter was published on inked paper, but now it comes to you over the internet. It might seem like everything has changed, yet, to me, it feels like it did in 1967.
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